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Behavioral Health/Mental Health

Madeline Coutu, LICSW provides behavioral support and mental health referrals to our patients

As children grow and develop, managing their mental and emotional health becomes equally as important as their medical needs. Whether it be the "terrible two's", stress as a family undergoes a change or transition, issues with peers, academic concerns, or the challenges faced by adolescent's and teens in today's world, Madeline, as a part of the Dowd team, offers compassionate care to our families in need.

Through assessments and in-office consultations Madeline provides education and assistance to our families and parents surrounding a multitude of concerns not limited to Anxiety, Depression, ADHD, Behavioral concerns, Learning Disabilities, and Developmental challenges.

  • Supports Offered

    •  In person short term therapy services. 

      • This is typically 6-8 visits with a focus on skill building and management of current concerns.

    • In person with parents.

      • This is to help focus and understand behavior/emotional concerns parents may have with their children across their development and help understand ways to best support their children’s behavioral and mental health.

    • Resources and referrals.

      • Madeline can provide resources and referrals for various supports to help manage emotional and behavioral health.

    • School Supports.

      • Madeline can help walk through the options for school supports and recommendations for next steps for your family.

      • Madeline can review any school evaluations or supports that will be put in place.

(P) 781-944-4250 (F) 781-944-2276

Contact Us



Our Location

444 Washington Street

Woburn MA 01801

Business Hours

Mon - Thurs


Sat - Sun

9am - 6:00pm

9am - 5:30pm  

9am - 12:30pm

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